Wednesday 23 April 2014

Letter to BCMB Pastors

Dear Marcia, 
Janet and I are praying for you these days. We grieve for your loss and give thanks to God with you for the life of Pastor Carlin. I know you have been flooded with greetings and prayers these days. I will be sending this letter out to our BC pastors today. Just wanted you to know.

"Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
Dear Saints and Partners in ministry:
By now most of you will have heard the news of Pastor Carlin Weinhauer's home going. The goodness of God flowed through this dear brother toward many of us. He preached God's word to us. He modelled love for family and integrity in ministry for us and he encouraged us.
Our prayers are with Marcia and the family as they come to terms with this divine appointment. If you are not yet aware a memorial service is being planned for Saturday May 3rd  10a.m. at Willingdon church in Burnaby.  Marcia's response and reflections can be read at the link included in this email.
Pastor Carlin's ministry touched the lives of thousands of students through his years at Briercrest. He shepherded the church at Willingdon for around two decades and over the last twenty he has travelled and spoken globally as an ambassador for Christ with MB mission. There will be thousands of people wishing that they could be at Carlin's memorial supporting the family and blessing God for His goodness to us in Carlin's life.

For many of us, here in BC who have been impacted by Pastor Carlin's ministry, we have a dilemma. May 3 is also the date for our BCMB convention hosted by Caribou Bethel in Williams Lake and so we feel torn with a desire to be in both places. There are many of us in leadership capacities who will, by necessity, need to be at the Convention, others will feel the freedom to change their plans in favour of support for the Weinhauer family.  The BCMB staff  is praying that both events will accomplish all that God has in mind and that complete peace will rest with each gathering.
For those of you throughout the province who may have simply forgotten to register for the convention and who are not planning on attending the memorial, please consider joining us for May 2 and 3rd in Williams Lake. Transportation from the Lower Mainland is offered by luxury coach and hotel rooms are reserved in Williams Lake.  We are concerned that this convention has a strong representation as we move forward in our mission to share the love and life of our amazing Lord Jesus in beautiful BC. 
Rob Thiessen
Conference Minister

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