Saturday, 3 May 2014

Memorial Service for Carlin Weinhauer

Memorial Service at Willingdon Church, 4812 Willingdon Ave., Burnaby, BC at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, May 3
Welcome by Pastor John Neufeld
John 20:20 a time to remember.  Carlin is easy to understand.  Loved prayer and people. He loved his wife and family. As we remember Carlin we remember his love for Jesus.
He was who he appeared to be. He was an example.
Song Great is thy Faithfulness
Song You Stood Before Creation
Song I'll Stand with arms High in awe of the one who gave it all all I am is yours
Tribute by grandchildren
AJ Kinee eldest grandson
Grandpa took me for breakfast at Denny's in his Toyota "Ferrari".
Went on a trip to Thailand with grandpa. Baptized by grandpa.  Always driving fast.
Jodie Wiens always ready to spend time with us. He impacted many lives.
Alex Wiebe grandpa would take us for ice cream. Love for good cars.
Eulogy Howard Wiens. Carlin gave his life to Christ with a commitment to go anywhere anytime.
Served Willingdon for 20 years.
Served with MBMSI since 2004.
A building has bricks and mortar. Dad was a giant that left a legacy. He loved Jesus.
Ask why I shouldn't do the new opportunity. He made things happen. I choose not to be offended. How to talk about your spouse. She's really something. To do good for your kids love their mom. Don't be afraid of tears. To be a good leader be a good follower. God is enough. Just write the cheque. Be ready to preach pray or die any moment. 
Heaven is better than the best things on earth.  His family laughing together.
Guard the good deposit entrusted to you.
Music Daystar
Lily of the valley let your sweet aroma fill my life. Lead me Lord I'll follow anywhere.
Tribute John Barkman Chancellor Briercrest
Carlin and Briercrest.  In '59. Dorm life was never dull. He was wonderfully and fearfully made.
'69 he started on faculty with limitless ideas. Started Youth Quake. He revolutionized churches and led many to the Lord.
Marcia was diagnosed with cancer 30 years ago.
What's down in the well comes up in the bucket. When he arrived in heaven he was applauded and Jesus said welcome home.
Tribute Norm Funk pastor Westside
Spoke at a Sunday morning service. Expected accolades. Ever thought about voice lessons? It's hard to listen to a high voice for a long time.
If I learned anything from him it was to cry in public. The way up is down.
Being is far more important than doing.  He prayed. For anyone and everyone.
Last thing he said pray for me.
He died to self many times. His example is worth following. Jesus is the hero however it is ok to give Carlin some accolades.
Marcia,  as great as Carlin was Marcia is beyond wondrous.
Video MBMission
Prayer is the work of ministry.
Tribute Randy Friesen
10 years ago when a new younger team took over the ministry we were blessed to have a wise mentor. We learned many Carlinisms. Keep big things big and small things small. He loved Marcia. Cut the cat's tail once. Do things right the 1st time.
No job too small for him. He was my friend. He ran through the finish line. Thankyou for sharing Carlin with us.  A memorial fund has been set up.
Tribute Ricky Sanchez
He came to Thailand 15 times.  Carlin became my spiritual dad. How is your marriage?
Carlinisms: jiggerry pokery.
That boat is a Vomit comet.
The commies got our boys let's pray.
Thanks for coming to encourage us. Carlin's voice carried many songs. He prayed for us on Skype. We will never forget him.
Last conversation with him: "I hear the chariots. They're warming up!"
Every time there was a baptism he did a two step "Thankyou Jesus"
Song 10,000 Reasons pastor Ron and the choir
Message John Neufeld
Heaven.  What are we talking about. We will be with the Lord
1. Carlin will rise to accompany Christ when Christ returns.
2. The rest will be transformed after that.
Pastor Carlin is now conscious at home with the Lord.
Phil 1 to die is gain. Infinitely better to be with Christ.
Pastor Carlin had not seen Christ on this earth but now he is.
This is the land of the dying. Heaven is the land of the living. That's where Pastor Carlin is now. In a physical form in white robes. This is huge. On this Easter Sunday he may have leaned over to Dr Hildebrand and said that.
Carlin awaits the 2nd coming. We await that 2nd coming. God will wipe away every tear.
Every thing will be for God's glory.
Rev 21 everything will be made new. The cowardly unbelieving will go to the 2nd death.
Don't leave without praying.
Music Video I've Just Seen Jesus
Closing Prayer Paul Magnus Briercrest
Carlin is in heaven. He was a gift to us. He is now a gift to heaven.
At 7am he would come over and say I've been thinking.  He was a friend. To so many.
Benediction John Neufeld
There has never been a memorial service with more laughter than at this one
The service will be available online Sunday evening at

Notes by Raymond Dueck

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