It's Lynda's buddy Rose from Caronport.
I just found out that your dear husband just recently passed away. I was saddened for you all but beyond thrilled for him. You were my family away from home while I attended Caronport and I was privileged to witness the love you both had for each other and for your children.
I wanted to offer our sincere condolences from my family to yours. I haven't talked to Lynda for so long and miss her and her family. Please say hi from me.
I'm not sure if Lynda already knows this, but my husband Cam was very sick with pancreatic cancer for several years. It started the fall of 2011 (shortly after we celebrated our 25th anniversary). He had whipple surgery for it, as well as chemotherapy for 6 months. He was very sick but after about a year and a half he started to really improve. We thought God had healed him but were shocked when the Oncologist said the cancer had spread and he only had 3 months to live. We celebrated life with him and he shared his testimony with whoever would listen to him. He was a changed man and I'm sure there were many seeds planted as a result of his life and how he dealt with his sickness. Never did we hear 1 word of complaint. Not once. He suffered horribly those last few weeks and I was so relieved when he died just a few days after his 50th birthday last July. As a nurse, I have seen many people pass into eternity but I have never seen a smile like I saw on Cam's face. It was the most incredible thing to witness after all the pain he had just endured. I know he is dancing in heaven!!
He was most concerned about Tia (who has special needs) and I. God is so incredible and through a miracle in itself and another story… I married a very precious man who has taken over where Cam left off. He is the most amazing man and father figure for Tia. Cam's parents and siblings were so thrilled. They knew Gery from before. We were just recently married and I am now living 3 doors down from our house. I never saw that coming but God knew and He is good.
Anyway, big hugs to you and all your family!
Much love and prayers being sent your way.

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