I wanted to thank you for sharing Pastor Carlin with Willingdon church for so many years. His years of serving God with us made a lasting impact. For our family, my husband came back to the Lord at Willingdon church during those years and after cancer is now also safe with the Lord. That has been the biggest comfort.
We met at Willingdon and when our son was born we liked the 'C' names: Carlin, Carson and Carston but after much thought about it, only one of those names really meant "man of God" to us so we named our son Carlin. He is 8 now and is learning about the Lord in Willingdon's kids programs.
One of my favourite sayings from Pastor Carlin that has stuck with me is "Keep the big things big and the little things little." I also remember how he prayed for each of us in the church directory.
Praying for God's comfort for you, His strength for the little things and the big and praying that He pours down His blessings on you and your family as He has so faithfully taken care of our family.
Lucille, Madeline and Carlin Folkeringa
Marcia's blog: Carlin is now Safely Home
Email your Carlinisms and memories to
CarlinAndMarcia@gmail.com for posting
Memorial Service
Click here Carlin's Eulogy
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
Carlin's Passing
Hi Marcia
I have been praying for you and Carlin every day since I heard he had cancer and I am still praying for you and your whole family now that the Lord has taken Carlin home.
I have so many good memories of Carlin at Willingdon Church. I always went to “early prayer” on Wednesday mornings and Carlin was there also for many years. Although it’s a number of years since he was at Willingdon, I still remember his Bible preaching and am so thankful for preaching straight from the Bible, and I am so happy Pastor John Neufeld preaches straight from the Bible also.
I am sure there will be hundreds at the service on Saturday so I may not get to talk to you in person but please know that I am still holding you and your family up in prayer.
Barbara Anne
Arms of Love around You
Dear Marcia:
My heart-felt prayers are with you at this time.
Let me encourage you with Lamentations 3:22-23
"The Lord's compassions fail not.
They are new every morning."
Let me say Amen to that!
I trust you will continue to experience the Lord's arms of love wrapped around you!
Love, Rudy R.
My heart-felt prayers are with you at this time.
Let me encourage you with Lamentations 3:22-23
"The Lord's compassions fail not.
They are new every morning."
Let me say Amen to that!
I trust you will continue to experience the Lord's arms of love wrapped around you!
Love, Rudy R.
Monday, 28 April 2014
Your First Day In Heaven
Well it's a great, great morning
Your first day in Heaven
When you stroll down the golden avenue.
There are mansions left and right
And you're thrilled at every sight
And the saints are always smiling saying "How do you do?"
Oh it's a great, great morning
You're first day in Heaven
When you realize your worrying days are through.
You'll be glad you were not idle
Took time to read your Bible
It's a great morning for you.
I had a dream, I must confess, I hated to awake.
He dreamt he was an angel at the great pearly gates.
Saint Peter said "Well hello there, where have you been?
We've got your mansion ready so come right in."
And then he arranged for an angel to act as a guide.
He spread his wings a time or two and then let me fly.
Repeat Chorus
Well it's a great, great morning
Your first day in Heaven
When you're strolling down the golden avenue.
There are mansions left and right
And you're thrilled at every sight
And the saints are always smiling saying "How do you do?"
Oh it's a great, great morning
You're first day in Heaven
When you realize your worrying days are through.
You'll be glad you were not idle
Took time to read your Bible
It's a great morning,
A great morning,
What a happy day
Writer(s): Stuart Hamblen
Copyright: Bienstock Publishing Company
The Gaithers on You Tube
Well it's a great, great morning
Your first day in Heaven
When you stroll down the golden avenue.
There are mansions left and right
And you're thrilled at every sight
And the saints are always smiling saying "How do you do?"
Oh it's a great, great morning
You're first day in Heaven
When you realize your worrying days are through.
You'll be glad you were not idle
Took time to read your Bible
It's a great morning for you.
I had a dream, I must confess, I hated to awake.
He dreamt he was an angel at the great pearly gates.
Saint Peter said "Well hello there, where have you been?
We've got your mansion ready so come right in."
And then he arranged for an angel to act as a guide.
He spread his wings a time or two and then let me fly.
Repeat Chorus
Well it's a great, great morning
Your first day in Heaven
When you're strolling down the golden avenue.
There are mansions left and right
And you're thrilled at every sight
And the saints are always smiling saying "How do you do?"
Oh it's a great, great morning
You're first day in Heaven
When you realize your worrying days are through.
You'll be glad you were not idle
Took time to read your Bible
It's a great morning,
A great morning,
What a happy day
Writer(s): Stuart Hamblen
Copyright: Bienstock Publishing Company
The Gaithers on You Tube
Sunday, 27 April 2014
Carlin's Final Graduation
Good Evening Marcia:
Easter was more meaningful this year, realizing afresh the hope we have in our resurrected Christ. We are thinking and praying for you daily, and plan to attend the funeral.
SHARON for the two of us Bob & Sharon
SHARON for the two of us Bob & Sharon
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness." Lam. 3:22-23
When I
think of Pastor Carlin, I think of the word ‘prayer’. Those
times at social functions, banquets, etc. when he said, "let’s
spend a little time around each table in prayer."
The talking and laughing ceased. We prayed.
We really appreciated
his leadership on the Mission Committee at Willingdon Church. He
wanted to start out by praying for each of the missionaries even
though the agenda was long.
One Sunday morning, he asked the crowded
church to get on their knees and I remember its impact even now.
Sometimes during a sermon Pastor Carlin’s voice would break, and he
would say “Folks”….I
would sit up and carefully listen because something so personal and
heart rendering was forthcoming. Our family often quotes his advice:
“Keep the small things small."
Talking about fractious issues, he would query “Would
I want to die on this mountain?”
Sunday as Bob and I drove into the church parking lot, our discussion
was focussed on a decision to be made that day. We were at an impasse
regarding a financial investment with another brother. Pastor Carlin
walked over to our car and asked if Bob could give him a lift to the
Mayor’s house for a quick pastoral visit between services. The
Mayor had died suddenly the night before and he wanted to console his
wife, but he had to get back in time to preach (his car was parked in
the BCIT parking lot a few blocks away).
During the drive over, Bob
asked his advice regarding our dilemma, and he gave wise counsel. “If
it’s money for an investment with the church family consider it as
a gift, and not as lending. That way, if it doesn’t work out, you
haven’t broken fellowship.”
He then quoted a verse from Proverbs about making money slowly (which
infers to stay away from fast money-making schemes). We took his
advice and decided against the investment, which eventually ended
very poorly and we were spared that setback.
Carlin dearly loved Marcia, and often mentioned her in a such a
favourable way, smiling proudly down at her in the front seat (where
she often sat through all the services.) He was a good example of a
loving husband and father and when he shared little insights, we all
benefitted. And thanks to Marcia for her example of a supportive
was consistently gracious through those years and Bob could say the
same thing when they travelled together on mission trips. I remember
him in Jamaica on a Willingdon Church Mission trip in 2002. He was
sleeping on the concrete floor with the other men: it
looked like a refugee
and here was our Dr. Carlin with not a grumble.
another trip to Russia, Carlin and Bob were sharing the same pullout
couch/bed. Bob said neither got a wink of sleep because it
dipped in the middle and so he hung on to his side as did Carlin.
(That along with jet lag...oh.. the joys of missions!)
Even in Mali,
dressed on the hottest days, he managed to look cheerful when
sitting on the even hotter platform in his black suit, with sweat
pouring down onto his white shirt, or later at lunch gingerly putting
his hand in the community pot of mush along with everyone else (while
gravy dripped onto his now-ruined jacket.) All this done with
decorum and grace, while Marcia enthusiastically encouraged him and
all of us! These are golden memories and we are so thankful that God
lent us such a marvellous Pastor!
Sharon Davies
Saturday, 26 April 2014
The Valley of the Shadow of Death
Good morning friends:
The following is so true, "yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me, Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. . ."
Carlin, at one point referring to this passage, said "we need not fear death, because it is merely a passing through a shadow. It is a step through the shadow, into God's great Heaven."
I've often thought about the valley part. And I think of valleys, again, as those difficult things in our lives, illnesses, hardships. But you don't stay in valleys, you walk through them.
This time with Carlin so obviously gone, is a major valley for our family. But I praise the Lord for His comforts. How wonderfully He has used you and your words to comfort us. I praise the Lord that He is the great Comforter, and He is so obviously here with us.
I find myself using the word "we" a lot, suddenly realizing that now that word is inappropriate. Little stuff like that catches me.
It's a bit like the time Carlin drove up to the border crossing near here, where the official asked him where he was going. Carlin replied, "We're going down to the cottage in Birch Bay." The official said, "Aw, and who is 'we'? I only see one of you!"
I'm finding it difficult to process that Carlin is gone.
One of my comforts today is in this little poem:
Both Thine arms are clasped around me,
And my head is on Thy breast;
And my weary soul hath found Thee
Such a perfect, perfect rest!
And my head is on Thy breast;
And my weary soul hath found Thee
Such a perfect, perfect rest!
Blessed Jesus!
Now I know that I am blessed.
Now I know that I am blessed.
Oh, how His presence comforts me! "For Thou art with me. . ."
Love to you! Marcia
Friday, 25 April 2014
Memorial Service next Saturday
Reminder - Carlin's Memorial Service, will be held next Saturday May 3, at 10:00 a.m. at Willingdon Church, 4812 Willingdon Ave., Burnaby, BC.
Please feel free to leave a comment on this blog. We appreciate hearing from you. Perhaps you have some happy or funny stories to share.
If you prefer you can send your stories to
CarlinAndMarcia@Gmail.com and we will post them for you unless you mark them private.
CarlinAndMarcia@Gmail.com and we will post them for you unless you mark them private.
Think of this blog as a Book Of Remembrance to share the blessings God has bestowed on us through Carlin.
This blog has now had more than 20,000 pageviews. We thank you for praying and sharing the pain.
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Surprised and Thankful
Dear Marcia and family,
Carlin was my teacher at Briercrest Bible Institute (1969-1972) where his passion for God and His Word impacted my life. Through the years our paths crossed on a number of times and he always expressed an ongoing interest in what was happening in my life. Carlin lived what he taught!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Claude W. Pratte
Executive Director
Square One World Media
(formerly Family Life Network)
225 Riverton Avenue, Winnipeg Manitoba Canada R2L 0N1
Letter to BCMB Pastors
Dear Marcia,
Janet and I are praying for you these days. We grieve for your loss and give thanks to God with you for the life of Pastor Carlin. I know you have been flooded with greetings and prayers these days. I will be sending this letter out to our BC pastors today. Just wanted you to know.
"Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
Dear Saints and Partners in ministry:
By now most of you will have heard the news of Pastor Carlin Weinhauer's home going. The goodness of God flowed through this dear brother toward many of us. He preached God's word to us. He modelled love for family and integrity in ministry for us and he encouraged us.
Our prayers are with Marcia and the family as they come to terms with this divine appointment. If you are not yet aware a memorial service is being planned for Saturday May 3rd 10a.m. at Willingdon church in Burnaby. Marcia's response and reflections can be read at the link included in this email.
Pastor Carlin's ministry touched the lives of thousands of students through his years at Briercrest. He shepherded the church at Willingdon for around two decades and over the last twenty he has travelled and spoken globally as an ambassador for Christ with MB mission. There will be thousands of people wishing that they could be at Carlin's memorial supporting the family and blessing God for His goodness to us in Carlin's life.
For many of us, here in BC who have been impacted by Pastor Carlin's ministry, we have a dilemma. May 3 is also the date for our BCMB convention hosted by Caribou Bethel in Williams Lake and so we feel torn with a desire to be in both places. There are many of us in leadership capacities who will, by necessity, need to be at the Convention, others will feel the freedom to change their plans in favour of support for the Weinhauer family. The BCMB staff is praying that both events will accomplish all that God has in mind and that complete peace will rest with each gathering.
For those of you throughout the province who may have simply forgotten to register for the convention and who are not planning on attending the memorial, please consider joining us for May 2 and 3rd in Williams Lake. Transportation from the Lower Mainland is offered by luxury coach and hotel rooms are reserved in Williams Lake. We are concerned that this convention has a strong representation as we move forward in our mission to share the love and life of our amazing Lord Jesus in beautiful BC.
Rob Thiessen
Conference Minister
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
Carlin and You made an Impression
Marcia, Cheri, Lynda, Becki and families,
It has been so very long since we lived on opposite ends of the same four-plex at Caronport. You and Carlin made a lasting impression on me.
I will always remember Carlin's enthusiasm, broad smile and the energy with which he did everything--from his preaching / teaching to building YouthQuake beyond anything most of us ever conceived of and even to the energy he applied to roofing his house! Marcia, the way you lived reminded me of the phrase of a Bible verse, " . . . In quietness and confidence shall be your strength."
I am praying for all of you, and am so grateful that Carlin is in God's presence and free from the ravages of cancer. Thank you for your strong and faithful example what it looks like to be children of God here on earth.
I pray that God's promises will bring peace and comfort amidst the great grief you are all feeling.
Love in Christ,
Gerri (Wipf) Siemens
It has been so very long since we lived on opposite ends of the same four-plex at Caronport. You and Carlin made a lasting impression on me.
I will always remember Carlin's enthusiasm, broad smile and the energy with which he did everything--from his preaching / teaching to building YouthQuake beyond anything most of us ever conceived of and even to the energy he applied to roofing his house! Marcia, the way you lived reminded me of the phrase of a Bible verse, " . . . In quietness and confidence shall be your strength."
I am praying for all of you, and am so grateful that Carlin is in God's presence and free from the ravages of cancer. Thank you for your strong and faithful example what it looks like to be children of God here on earth.
I pray that God's promises will bring peace and comfort amidst the great grief you are all feeling.
Love in Christ,
Gerri (Wipf) Siemens
Carlin's Profound Words
Hi Marcia,
I am saddened to hear of Carlin's passing. My heartfelt condolence to you, Marcia, and your family.
For years I attended Willingdon Church mainly for Carlin's sermons. I received so much and I wanted to let him know that. One day, on the spur of the moment, I just decided to visit him in his office. Without an appointment nor knowing if even he'd be in I showed up. He greeted me, the total stranger, graciously and warmly. He asked what he could do for me and I said I just came to tell him how much I valued and enjoyed his sermons.
But I had a question: The Willingdon congregation, large as it is, must be like running a city. There would be lots of issues to be dealt with - it must be tough. "How do you deal with all that"
To which he replied: "I do what I can. The rest I leave in God's hands. I sleep real good"
I will never forget!
Fred Kortsch
Monday, 21 April 2014
Dear Marcia & Family
We, along with many others here in Kelowna, have followed yours and Carlin’s Journey.
We’ve heard and read how this moment in your lives have been such a sadness for all of you.
We rejoice in knowing you will see him once again. What a blessed assurance!
What anticipate that day will be when we all see Jesus and ALL our loved ones again.
We’ve been praying – and will continue to pray for you as a family in days ahead. God WILL give you the grace and peace when it’s needed. Rest in HIS comfort. Take the time to heal through the grieving.
Marcia – it would be wonderful to connect with you again on Facebook if/when you have time at a later date. Cal & I were in the same class with you at BBI from 1960 – 1963. Not sure if you graduated with us but Carlin was a year ahead of our class if I remember correctly. We were able to attend our Grad Class Reunion last April 2013 at Caronport and that type of reunion gave us a “taste” of what Heaven is going to be like.
Rest in all those promises God has given. We will be thinking of you and the whole family at the Memorial day service for Carlin on May 2nd.
Christian prayers and much love
Cal & Tudy (Familinow) Fortnum
Tribute to Dear Brother Carlin
From Chicago
Dear Marcia
Rebecca and I have been following Carlin’s journey from afar; we have read your updates with interest, love and tears. And now he is home.
I remember meeting Carlin for the first time at the post office at Briercrest the fall that we began
teaching together. Rebecca and I were so appreciative of both of you, not just for your love for the Lord but your focused interest in students. I admired Carlin’s directness in his teaching and preaching: no nonsense, just integrity, honest and deep commitment. Whatever it took to serve the Lord, that is what he did. Rebecca and I felt an immediate friendship with you folks because there was no pretense, just reality as it was. What an impact both of you had!
I believe that the reason that the Judgment Seat of Christ is at the rapture is because all the good we
have done is not yet finished. Our dear brother Carlin will be generously rewarded for his faithfulness, his focused commitment and determination to do the will of God at any cost. “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord…their works do follow them.”
We count it a privilege to be among your friends though so many miles have separated us for so many years. So to you, our dear sister, we extend our love and prayers. We wish we could be there with you for the memorial service but know that Christ will be exalted through the life of one who loved the Lord so passionately.
Erwin and Rebecca Lutzer
Dear Marcia
Rebecca and I have been following Carlin’s journey from afar; we have read your updates with interest, love and tears. And now he is home.
I remember meeting Carlin for the first time at the post office at Briercrest the fall that we began
teaching together. Rebecca and I were so appreciative of both of you, not just for your love for the Lord but your focused interest in students. I admired Carlin’s directness in his teaching and preaching: no nonsense, just integrity, honest and deep commitment. Whatever it took to serve the Lord, that is what he did. Rebecca and I felt an immediate friendship with you folks because there was no pretense, just reality as it was. What an impact both of you had!
I believe that the reason that the Judgment Seat of Christ is at the rapture is because all the good we
have done is not yet finished. Our dear brother Carlin will be generously rewarded for his faithfulness, his focused commitment and determination to do the will of God at any cost. “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord…their works do follow them.”
We count it a privilege to be among your friends though so many miles have separated us for so many years. So to you, our dear sister, we extend our love and prayers. We wish we could be there with you for the memorial service but know that Christ will be exalted through the life of one who loved the Lord so passionately.
Erwin and Rebecca Lutzer
Dr Carlin Weinhauer Life Snapshots
Carlin was an amazingly
gifted and energetic person and leader. He was a Briercrest graduate
of 1962 and indeed no class ever had more creative class programs
than the ones Carlin was in. I was a High School student at Caronport
and remember their programs to this day. He completed studies at
Briercrest and then went to Columbia Bible College USA to obtain a
degree as we were not yet accredited at that time. Then Carlin and
Marcia entered active church ministry which he deeply loved. He was
invited to come to serve on faculty at Briercrest starting the fall
of 1969. He actually lived next to where I lived as I had started the
same year but several months earlier. I was not yet married and had a
roommate and Carlin would often stop in to chat. He was always so
entertaining and fun to chat with.
At Briercrest he taught
pastoral ministries and preaching. During his day it is said that we
had lead pastors in every denomination and in particular we had
senior pastors in most of the western Mennonite brethren Churches
across Canada and especially western Canada. Eventually they decided
to hire Carlin because they just could not get students to come to
their schools and so they invited him to be an associate pastor at
Willington MB in 1984. In one year he was lead pastor there and the
church grew in strength and numbers throughout his tenure there of
over 20 years.
In his years at
Briercrest he started by teaching and excelled at turning out
pastors. During his years on faculty he became one of a three person
YQ committee that was not to be held down and that event grew to be
by far the largest youth event anywhere in Canada and had that record
for many years. YQ was never more energetic or fun than in Carlin’s
day. His mind just never stopped pouring out creative additions to
the event. In addition, he was the Christian Service director for a
number of years. When Henry Budd became President, he selected Carlin
to be his Vice President for External relations as he was already in
the field connecting and preaching in many settings. He was a much
loved speaker all across Canada. We never had stronger constituency
relations before or since Carlin’s day. He was so gifted. During
the journey Marcia battled successfully with and through major
surgery and stage four cancer. She recovered and has never had a
recurrence. In 1983-84 the Willington MB church was in dialogue for
him to come as the associate pastor. We were away in Chicago for 8
months that year and he confided and shared his sense that God was
calling. They did join the Willington team in 1984. Despite that
Carlin and Marci always remained close and deep friends not only of
ours but of Briercrest. Through my years as President he joined the
board and no one was more supportive. He was the chair of the
committee that planned the Board reunion just this past September, a
first such for Briercrest. He lead that Board event with distinction
and then they left for yet another and final missions trip to
After he moved west he
and Marcia poured themselves into Church ministry and it was so
evident that they were thriving. Who could have wished them anywhere
else. On any visit we could see that they were a beautiful match in
the setting and that God had placed them in just the right place.
After over 20 years of unmatched ministry they felt they should step
back and retire from that role to ensure smooth transition. They then
poured their lives into Mennonite Brethren Missions. He and Marcia
did their final missions tour and trip late in 2013. He was still
full of energy and passion throughout that tour to Thailand.
What loving servants of
Jesus Carlin and Marcia were throughout their days. Both were marked
by grace and truth. On March 10 Carlin received the cancer diagnosis
as stage four stomach cancer and the attempts a treatment could just
not keep pace with the pace of the unfortunate progress of the cancer
in his body. He spent his last days at home with his dearly beloved
wife Marcia, who walked through the valley with him and she was with
him when he departed to meet Jesus Saturday morning at 7 am Vancouver
time. What a life he lived for Jesus. There will be very large
numbers of people one day in the presence of Jesus because Carlin
served as and where he did. He was a genuine partner with his wife
Marcia and with God who invited them into the partnership of the
Gospel with Himself. They both emanated the glory of God as they
lived their lives with and for Him, as referenced in II Corinthians
3:12-18. He slipped away between Good Friday and Easter and has
experienced his own resurrection in the presence of Jesus. In my last
conversation with Carlin it just felt like I was on holy ground even
on the telephone. I know this does not do justice to a life so well
lived but here is my attempt a quick summary.
Respectfully and
Paul Magnus
Sunday, 20 April 2014
Dear Marcia and family,
Our sincere condolences in the loss of your dear one. "For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Our love and prayers are with you.
Helmut & Alice Janzen
A Father's Heart
My heart is heavy as I write, but yet full of joy knowing that Pastor Carlin has finished the race with grace. I remember that big smile he always had on his face and his eyes full of fatherly love and care for this naive, yet ambitious prairie girl. One of my favourite memories of him was the Sunday I joined the church and I was called up to the pulpit to say a few words. As I approached the pulpit, Carlin put his arm around my shoulder and with that huge smile on his face said, "Suseh, stand up!" Well, what little of my face could be seen from behind that pulpit turned as red as I could possibly go. I couldn't remember what I was going to say so I just stared at him incredulously. He laughed a deep belly laugh and prompted me to speak. I knew then and there that he would have a huge impact on my life.
Marcia, you are an amazing, strong woman of God. I remember watching you watching Carlin while he would preach and thinking to myself - "she is one of the best examples of a Godly woman I have ever met." Thank you for your beautiful, honest words. May the Holy Spirit be your Comforter and Strength in the days and weeks ahead.
Suseh Nievares
So Sorry for your Loss
Dear Marcia, We are so sorry for your loss of Carlin, what a great man! We will be praying for you and your family! May God give you much rest and encouragement in the coming days! Also just wanted to tell you how both Wayne and I have appreciated your encouragement you gave us when we were church planting!
In Christ Shauna and Wayne Halvorson
In Christ Shauna and Wayne Halvorson
Our Love & Prayers
Dear Marcia,
How shocked we were when we heard that Carlin went home today. We have many great memories of sharing with you folks. You have both been such a blessing to us.
May God comfort & give you a hug today.
Rudie & Louise Willms
Deepest Sympathies
Our deepest sympathy to you Marcia, and your girls and families. We have such great memories of your time here at Caronport when our families did things together. We are so shocked that this happened so fast. We have been praying for your family and will continue to do so. God bless and strengthen you day by day.
Norman and Laura Klassen
Norman and Laura Klassen
Tribute from Peter and Cheri
Dear Marcia,
We cannot know the depth of loss with the homegoing of Pastor Carlin; our hearts go out to you and are prayers continue with you. You and he will always have a place in our hearts.
As I reflect on the years at Willingdon, so much comes to mind of the kind of man Carlin has been. I can still see his smile when I came down into the baptismal tank, and will always remember him baptizing me. He was always good with names, and many times encouraged me to read the Bible every day. Of course you were VERY instrumental in Cheri and me meeting at Les and Doreen Harris’ Bible study, thanks to your encouraging Cheri to get into a Bible study and introducing her to Lita Chow, who was part of that very group. :) You and he were also our first pastoral couple when we were becoming a couple and when we were married.
Pastor Carlin was instrumental in providing a solid foundation for us, indeed through deep, expository and practical preaching; in addition, his godly example clearly showed, because he clearly has had - right into eternity - a love and unquenchable enthusiasm for Jesus. He exemplified what he urged so many of us to do: “Live for Jesus.” It speaks tremendously when a man of God demonstrates what he exhorts others to do.
We will miss Pastor Carlin and will always remember him - knowing that we will see him again is always of great comfort, thanks to our Lord Jesus. May our gracious heavenly Father keep you safe and uphold you every moment of every day. May He continue to guide your steps in this new chapter of your walk with Him.
Peter and Cheri
We cannot know the depth of loss with the homegoing of Pastor Carlin; our hearts go out to you and are prayers continue with you. You and he will always have a place in our hearts.
As I reflect on the years at Willingdon, so much comes to mind of the kind of man Carlin has been. I can still see his smile when I came down into the baptismal tank, and will always remember him baptizing me. He was always good with names, and many times encouraged me to read the Bible every day. Of course you were VERY instrumental in Cheri and me meeting at Les and Doreen Harris’ Bible study, thanks to your encouraging Cheri to get into a Bible study and introducing her to Lita Chow, who was part of that very group. :) You and he were also our first pastoral couple when we were becoming a couple and when we were married.
Pastor Carlin was instrumental in providing a solid foundation for us, indeed through deep, expository and practical preaching; in addition, his godly example clearly showed, because he clearly has had - right into eternity - a love and unquenchable enthusiasm for Jesus. He exemplified what he urged so many of us to do: “Live for Jesus.” It speaks tremendously when a man of God demonstrates what he exhorts others to do.
We will miss Pastor Carlin and will always remember him - knowing that we will see him again is always of great comfort, thanks to our Lord Jesus. May our gracious heavenly Father keep you safe and uphold you every moment of every day. May He continue to guide your steps in this new chapter of your walk with Him.
Peter and Cheri
Song suggestion for Memorial Service
Hello Marica,
The words to the song that Cheri and I sent to you the other are so profound but simple and fitting. I have attached a YouTube link for you to hear it. When I have sung this song before, it has been a blessing to both myself and others. I would be honoured to sing this song in tribute to and in memory of Pastor Carlin at his memorial service if you feel this would be fitting.
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=o9BalMUCpSM
Many Blessings,
Peter and Cheri Bullock
The words to the song that Cheri and I sent to you the other are so profound but simple and fitting. I have attached a YouTube link for you to hear it. When I have sung this song before, it has been a blessing to both myself and others. I would be honoured to sing this song in tribute to and in memory of Pastor Carlin at his memorial service if you feel this would be fitting.
Many Blessings,
Peter and Cheri Bullock
Home Going
Dear Marcia and family..
As a former student from Briercrest my life was extremely blessed with the many classes and interactions I had with Dr. Weinhauer. I am really saddened to learn of this news and I want to share some of your sorrow and also joy knowing where he is now on such a glorious day.
Thanks God for giving us Carlin and for the influence he had on so many.
My heartfelt prayers and condolences are with you. Bob Hutchings
What a Tribute
What a beautiful, honouring tribute!!! What a powerful, faithful force Carlin was & is forever. A song of power for you.
Newsboys - We Believe (Lyric Video)
Newsboys - We Believe (Lyric Video)
PS: it will take forever for Carlin to hug everyone who has gone on before, including my Dad, Dan Kelly & Dan Jr. ...
Janet Kelly gallant Pearson. A member of the Willingdon congregation in the late 80's. A single mom with 5 kids who struggled. XOXO
With deepest Sympathy
I am so sorry for your great loss Marcia. You have been in my prayers . What a wonderful example of God/s love for Pastor Carlin that He called him home during this most holy week to join the big celebration in heaven with Him. Pastor Carlin was loved and respected for his service to the Lord. I am praying to our most gracious Father to comfort you and bless you with His peace . I had read your Blog last night and it made me sad yet filled my heart with a very different kind of happiness and longing , hard to explain. Thank you so much for sharing your journey of hope and God/s love and His plans for our lives. I pray that during this time of grief you will not feel lonely but be surrounded by His ever present presence . I am praying for you and your family.
With love and prayers.
Vidya Paul
So Sorry
Dear Marcia and girls,
My heart is breaking for you as you go through this grief. Indeed, the waves of emotion you wrote about are still crashing over me ~ and Ron has been Home for 10 months.
I pray that you will feel God's mighty presence in the next few days/weeks.
Hold tight to his promises.
Lisa (Klassen) Fogarty
My heart is breaking for you as you go through this grief. Indeed, the waves of emotion you wrote about are still crashing over me ~ and Ron has been Home for 10 months.
I pray that you will feel God's mighty presence in the next few days/weeks.
Hold tight to his promises.
Lisa (Klassen) Fogarty
Praying for you in Jesus Name
Hi Marcia:
This news is a surprise. We will be praying that the grace of God will sustain you and your family during this grievous experience. Your blog assures that already He is supplying you with His peace and joy in spite of this shock. Who can define the paradox that the Apostle Paul spoke of when he wrote: "sorrowful yet always rejoicing" ? Indeed, we'll pray that the Gospel will be presented effectually at Carlin's memorial.
Yours in Christ,
George and Marilyn Atha
Westbank, BC
This news is a surprise. We will be praying that the grace of God will sustain you and your family during this grievous experience. Your blog assures that already He is supplying you with His peace and joy in spite of this shock. Who can define the paradox that the Apostle Paul spoke of when he wrote: "sorrowful yet always rejoicing" ? Indeed, we'll pray that the Gospel will be presented effectually at Carlin's memorial.
Yours in Christ,
George and Marilyn Atha
Westbank, BC
Saturday, 19 April 2014
Deepest Sympathies
Teresa Fehr:
Marcia, my deepest Sympathies at Carlin's passing. So kind of our Heavenly Father to carry him home peacefully. You and Pastor Carlin had such a tremendous influence on my son and I when I was a fatherless single Mom raising a young boy. Missed but never forgotten. May Our Lord give you supernatural strength and peace in the days ahead. (Teresa Peters)
So sorry to hear this news today
news today ....
"The Lord bless you
and keep you;the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace."
and keep you;the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace."
David and Muriel Boyes
A Blessing
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. I thank the Lord for the gift of Carlin's life. May the Lord bless all those of your family with the comfort He is able to give.
Cathie Bolan
Cathie Bolan
Our Condolences
Dear Marcia
I am saddened to hear of Carlin's passing and had been praying for him these past few weeks since his diagnosis. It is fitting for him to meet Jesus face to face on Easter. Carlin was always a blessing and inspiration to me personally to be faithful in preaching the Word and faithful in prayer. He emulated both of those with you at his side. I am grateful to have had him influence my life and I will miss him. I will endeavor to pray for you in the coming days.
May God's peace be yours,
Rob Dyck Arnold Community Church
I am saddened to hear of Carlin's passing and had been praying for him these past few weeks since his diagnosis. It is fitting for him to meet Jesus face to face on Easter. Carlin was always a blessing and inspiration to me personally to be faithful in preaching the Word and faithful in prayer. He emulated both of those with you at his side. I am grateful to have had him influence my life and I will miss him. I will endeavor to pray for you in the coming days.
May God's peace be yours,
Rob Dyck Arnold Community Church
Dear Marcia,
Even though Carol and I are not able to identify with you in your grieving, we are sending you our love, and are asking of Jesus that you will experience the powerful and unmistakeable presence of the Comforter. He will preside. And with the comfort He pours into you, you will comfort one another in your family and far beyond.
You two have loved each other and your God well. That legacy will live on, even as Carlin lives on in Paradise, present with The Lord, and you here among the rest of us who await our own graduation, one way or another.
We wish we could be there to have a good cry with you. Remember and celebrate and grieve well, Marcia...with Hope!
Christian love,
Ed and Carol
Even though Carol and I are not able to identify with you in your grieving, we are sending you our love, and are asking of Jesus that you will experience the powerful and unmistakeable presence of the Comforter. He will preside. And with the comfort He pours into you, you will comfort one another in your family and far beyond.
You two have loved each other and your God well. That legacy will live on, even as Carlin lives on in Paradise, present with The Lord, and you here among the rest of us who await our own graduation, one way or another.
We wish we could be there to have a good cry with you. Remember and celebrate and grieve well, Marcia...with Hope!
Christian love,
Ed and Carol
Tears of Joy and Grief
Dear Marcia and family,
I just read of Carlin's passing. My heart is heavy. God gave us all a very precious gift in Carlin. He had a deep impact on my life and not a week goes by that I don't share a word of wisdom that he spoke into my life.
I will pray that the peace of God will keep you during this difficult time. May the Lord be near to you, even as he is to Carlin.
With much love,
Ron van Akker
I just read of Carlin's passing. My heart is heavy. God gave us all a very precious gift in Carlin. He had a deep impact on my life and not a week goes by that I don't share a word of wisdom that he spoke into my life.
I will pray that the peace of God will keep you during this difficult time. May the Lord be near to you, even as he is to Carlin.
With much love,
Ron van Akker
And it is Easter
Dear Marcia and Family;
We learned through Phil and Marcia, of Carlin's sudden illness and now today, through an email from Lil Diggins, that he is with the Lord.
We had read the blog late yesterday afternoon again, to get the latest update. How sudden and quick. Your email today is simply amazing . What courage and strength to be able to share the details so soon.
Although Les and I have been out of touch for many, many years, the memories that are associated with you are memories of lives full of vision, vim, vigour, exceptional talent and gifted to speak and minister with results. We would hear reports through the years from one place or another and each time, in reflection, there would be the thought of how God was just abundantly blessing your ministry. It would have been a special blessing to slip into the pew at Willingdon, where you pastored for so many years.
Les and I do want to extend our love and sympathy at this time Marcia. The waves will roll in, and overwhelm, but God has also ordained the tide to ebb. At these times we pray you will sense a peace and calm. We pray this for you and your girls and all members of your family.
Indeed it will be a big celebration as you gather to honor his life and work.
Thinking of your Marcia, and praying for you .
Sending our love,
Les and Peggy Leskewich
Dear Marcia & family,
Marcia, please take care! God will wipe off all your tears and give you enough strength, comfort and peace to overcome this difficult moment.
I'm tearing when I type this e-mail to you, Pastor Carlin has gone to heaven, he has been really safely home into God's glory. I miss him so much but I'm still very thankful for our Heavenly Father releasing all his pains from his body in a short period since his diagnosis of his stomach cancer.
How amazing it is that Pastor Carlin's passing at the Easter weekend!
I'm sure will attend Pastor Carlin's memorial service on May 3 Saturday at Willingdon Church.
Lots of prayers, love and blessings
Gladys Wong
I am shedding tears as I write. The pain of losing a man so close to all of you is a loss that seems unbearable. He and your family have played an important role in our lives. Growing up at the church, who can forget Dating, Diamond's and Marriage. We were honored to have him officiate at our wedding 22 years ago. When my dad passed away, your were there during the last hours. What an honor that you both came back from sabbatical to do the service for him. I remember one comment he made. "Bob, we didn't have enough time on this earth to talk, and when I get to heaven, we are going to find a palm tree and sit on top and talk for a hundred years." Today they are doing that.
To the 3 daughters he left behind, my heart is breaking for you. You are and will be in my prayers.
To Marcia, he was blessed to have a wife like you.
Blessings and prayers to all of you.
Erwin, Cheryl, Madison & Jared Kathler
Carlin is now Safely Home
Carlin passed away into the arms of Jesus this morning at 7 a.m. Pacific time.
when God called him Home, He chose to do it quickly. He was asleep.
am so very grateful to our tender Heavenly Father for His care of
Carlin over these past weeks. It has been only 5 weeks and 5 days since
diagnosis, and it has been fast, though in some ways it has seemed much
longer. What an amazing journey, from seeming full health to stepping
into Glory.
smile when we think that God took him on Easter weekend. Our Lynda
laughed through tears as she said, “Isn’t this just like Dad, to go at a
big event! He liked big events.” We all agree.
had been up several times with him during the night last night, tending
to his needs, and then lying back down on my mat beside his bed. A
nurse had told me last week that I needed to be close in case he tried
to get out of bed, and would fall. So I had a good mat there.
At 4:30 I
was awake (when I talked with our three daughters this morning, they
all said they were awake as well) and I just started praying, out real
loud, so I could be sure Carlin would hear my voice, and I prayed over
everything. I prayed loudly over the upcoming graveside service and the
Memorial Service, I prayed over everyone individually who will be
involved, I prayed that God would prepare people-- everyone who will
come and be in attendance, that God in His mighty power and by His
Spirit would do amazing things in peoples’ hearts, and that there would
be more people in the Kingdom because of this final thing/part of
Carlin’s ministry on earth.
I prayed through Scripture promises, and
for family and others, and praised God, as I went through His
attributes, etc., etc., etc. for about an hour and a half. Then I went
to the kitchen to get breakfast, went back and stood at the foot of
Carlin’s bed and prayed some more. I picked up all the pieces of my mat
and tucked them away, and swept up the floor. (Carlin had been losing a
lot of hair because of his chemo infusion.) A nurse was expected later
today. Then I went back to the kitchen to get my cup of coffee, and to
start the computers—Carlin’s and mine—to see if there had been any
overnight mail. That was when I went back to check on Carlin and found
he was gone. I could tell immediately. It was written on his face. I
watched for breathing movement on his quilt, and felt for his heartbeat,
and then tears and sobs were all over the place.
It is so overwhelming to think he is gone. It feels like I am in a
vast ocean, with huge swells / waves of grief and then quiet moments of
assurances, then another wave. You who have lost someone know exactly
what that is. It is a new experience to walk through.
grateful I am to God for what he gave me in Carlin. What a life. We
did so much together. I am so grateful that God is my “Portion and my
Cup” for now and for whatever days God leaves me here on earth. I have
every reason to treasure Heaven more than ever before. Oh, I wish I
could see the reunion in Heaven today!
am so grateful for my precious family. Cheri and Lynda are coming to
stay with me for a couple of days. Yesterday Cheri and Howard were here
and Howard sat with Carlin to tell him all he wanted to of appreciation
for their relationship and he sat and sang to Carlin. Other dear
friends have come several times to sing over him and pray over him.
will be a graveside service for Carlin on Friday, May 2. The Memorial
Service for Carlin will be at Willingdon Church, 4812 Willingdon Ave.,
Burnaby, BC at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 3. Pray that great glory
will be brought to Jesus’ name.
Thank you for following Carlin’s journey over these past days.
thanks to you, Ray, for what you have done for Carlin and I. Truly a
gift that has reached out, informed, and helped us to process the
Love to you all,
Marcia and family
For posting tributes to this blog email them to:
Sitting at the Feet of Jesus - here is a song for you today
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Hi Marcia,
I just listened to this from the Gaither Vocal Band and thought you and Carlin might enjoy this today.
Friday, 18 April 2014
Tribute 5 - Praying....
Dear Marcia,
Have been reading the blog.... all I can say is that 'I can only imagine' what you are thinking, feeling and living through.
How sudden and how quickly! He has been such an energetic, striving, joyous Christian example in every position he was in. You have been the very needed, adjustable and encouraging partner with and for him. Fifty plus years ago we would not have imagined such paths in our lives.
Thanks to our Lord, He is in charge and in control. Besides thinking about, and praying for you as a family, we trust and know our Saviour will carry you through it all in His Strong, Soft and Warm Hand.
You are Loved,
by Larry and Joy.
Zeph. 3:17
"The Lord your God is with you, He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His Love."
Have been reading the blog.... all I can say is that 'I can only imagine' what you are thinking, feeling and living through.
How sudden and how quickly! He has been such an energetic, striving, joyous Christian example in every position he was in. You have been the very needed, adjustable and encouraging partner with and for him. Fifty plus years ago we would not have imagined such paths in our lives.
Thanks to our Lord, He is in charge and in control. Besides thinking about, and praying for you as a family, we trust and know our Saviour will carry you through it all in His Strong, Soft and Warm Hand.
You are Loved,
by Larry and Joy.
Zeph. 3:17
"The Lord your God is with you, He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His Love."
Tribute 4 - Thank you
Dear Carlin and Marcia,
I just heard the news about the cancer yesterday and was able to read your last blog post last night as we were shutting down the power for the night where I am working.
I'm sure you wouldn't remember me, however I am one of the many lives who was impacted by your ministry at Willingdon.
I just heard the news about the cancer yesterday and was able to read your last blog post last night as we were shutting down the power for the night where I am working.
I'm sure you wouldn't remember me, however I am one of the many lives who was impacted by your ministry at Willingdon.
I grew up going to
"boring" church, and tried to slip out of the service telling my mom I
was going to go sit with friends. Then when God did start to do the
work of drawing me towards Himself, I ended up sticking around the
service one Sunday morning. That morning in the message you talked
about an underage club in Vancouver I had heard about and wanted to go
to. You bashed it pretty well, and I took your rant personally finding
myself getting very angry as teenage boys tend to be able to do.
remember coming back the next week to find out how you were going to
insult me again, and the message was one about restoration of
relationships, especially between a father and son. This message struck
a chord in my heart as it was full of hate for my dad. God used that
message to begin the healing process between me and my own father so
that seven years later, when he died, our relationship was healed.
Through your preaching, my life was impacted in a very meaningful way. I also remember you taking some time for me to show me how your sermons were prepared and you taught me that Christ isn't Jesus last name. I went on to Bible College, and have spent most of my adult life serving in camp ministry. Last year I went to Israel for three months and fell in love with the Jewish people, and hope God will call me to help bring the gospel back to where it all began.
Thank you both for your faithful ministry. You and your family will always have a special place in my heart.
Your brother in Christ,
Steven Stemmler
Through your preaching, my life was impacted in a very meaningful way. I also remember you taking some time for me to show me how your sermons were prepared and you taught me that Christ isn't Jesus last name. I went on to Bible College, and have spent most of my adult life serving in camp ministry. Last year I went to Israel for three months and fell in love with the Jewish people, and hope God will call me to help bring the gospel back to where it all began.
Thank you both for your faithful ministry. You and your family will always have a special place in my heart.
Your brother in Christ,
Steven Stemmler
Tribute 3 - Blessings
Dear Carlin and Marcia,
just saw June Stinson's post on Facebook and this was the first news I
had heard of your cancer.. I wanted to take a moment to pass along
greetings and a "thank-you".
you might recall, I attended Willingdon during the years I worked for
Elwood Veitch in Burnaby. You had such an amazing influence on the
community of Burnaby and were really looked to, and respected for, the
individual impact you had on people there. It was so refreshing for me
to see a pastor who cared enough about his community that he would make
it a point to be heavily involved in service organizations like Rotary,
and in the lives of people who were committed to public service,
regardless of political stripe. You directly impacted Elwood and
Sheila's life, and I believe his faith was strengthened and became
personal because of your direct connection.
just finished studying a book called "Tangible Kingdom" at church, and
it was a nice reminder that you were one of the earliest pastors I knew
who made a strategic point of bringing the church to the community.
Thank you for your example.
to you and to your family at this time. Rest knowing that you had such
a tremendous and personal impact on many lives and your faithfulness in
service is recognized on earth and in heaven.
God's blessings and peace.
Brian Ratzliff
Tribute 2 - Hi from the Peters !!
We have been praying
daily - nightly and in between for you both and your lovely
family.......we know this has to be a very hard journey for you all !!
month of April is always a very special and sometimes hard one for us
because it is when our 'Andy' left us for Heaven !! will be 18 years
on April 28 -- we have such great memories of you Carlin and Marcia
how you were so very kind over this terrible time of our lives.......and
we have always be thankful that you were 'God's helpers' to give us
the love and care that we needed...
Thank you for all the years that you
have blessed and helped soooooo many people that came across your
lives......God has done great things thru your ministry !! and we know
Jesus will say 'well done - you did a great job and were faithful'
that is a super legacy to leave behind !!
know you would be interested in hearing that this year there will be 55
more underprivileged kids going to camp thru Union Gospel Mission
(thanks to Andy's camp fund) making the total number of kids who have
attended camp thru this fund at '1000' !!! we are very excited that God has used this memorial for good and someday will meet many that have accepted Christ.....
Carlin - when the 'day is done' here and you meet Jesus - Will you say HI to Andy from us ?!!!
Then one day (who knows when our time is up ) - we will all have a great reunion !! see you then !!!
Lots of Love Vic & Mary Peters and family
Thursday, 17 April 2014
need a clarification on the blog. Apparently, people have read the
Safely Home story and picture to mean Carlin has passed away.
So far,
he is tucked in his hospital bed in the library, and I am reading
Scriptures and stories of Heaven to him. That’s it.
No one knows the
day nor the hour, but it may be before too many more days.
Safely Home
Passage into glory.
An experience clouded in mystery from this side but promised to the faithful.
Safely Home expresses the emotion of the moment when the believer is welcomed by Jesus. Perhaps he is a 20th century martyr, perhaps a faithful servant like you.
An angel prepares a garment of pure white as the new arrival lays a crown at the Savior's feet. And with all of heaven His domain, the Son of God focuses only on that one person. The love He feels causes Him to run and embrace the victor.
Through his brush strokes, Ron conveys the hope that is God's promise to all who believe.
Heralded martyr and humble believer alike will experience the warmth of Jesus' embrace.
Click to go to Artist's Website
Click to go to Artist's Website
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Tribute 1
Dear Marcia and Carlin,
You have been on our hearts for quite sometime, and I was not sure how to send an email, until I spoke with Ray and Robyn and they directed me to your blog. I know Ron has written on behalf of us both, and Marcia I just finished reading your blog of today's date, April 16th and the hymn, " O that will be, glory for me, Glory for me, Glory for me, when by His grace I will look in His face, that will be glory, be glory for me" came to mind.
Oh what a wonderful glory awaits your dear Carlin, Marcia. On Good Friday 43 years ago our Heavenly Father called my dad home. It was a sudden home going as my dad was only 46 and I was 12....and yet my Dad was called to glory and I know without a shadow of a doubt that he looked into the face of Jesus, but oh the heartache of saying goodbye. I think of you Marcia, and your family as you say goodbye to a wonderful man.
And so, as I got ready for work the other morning, the tears streamed down by face as I thought of Carlin and you. I stopped, and bent my knees in prayer for you both and to thank God for the impact you have had in our lives, especially our ministry while we were at Willingdon. What a fabulous and rich ministry team experience. Thank you for being faithful to God's call and leading as the senior pastor and couple. Thank you for the care and love you showed toward Ron and me, as well as to Cody, Luke, Janaya and Mikayla. I will never forget being in labour with Cody, and it was quite a long delivery and I would not let Ron leave the delivery room to phone and give an update. Then, while in the delivery room, we received your phone call Carlin, asking how things were going. No other pastor-friend would do that. But Carlin and you cared. You both cared and loved Ron and us, dedicated our children, led a diaper drive, brought us the bran muffin mix, had us in your home and at your cottage. Thank you for impacting our lives. Thanks to Carlin for providing Ron the opportunity to preach at Willingdon, for providing him room to grow. Willingdon was truly the best ministry experience and when we do go back to Willingdon or met friends from that time period, our hearts are blessed.
I have so many wonderful memories of our times at Willingdon from Cedar Springs, to the family Christmas Eve services, to the church picnics, the Swanguard stadium gatherings, New Year's Eve celebrations, and many more. And yet, the resounding picture is Carlin and you together, side by side, hand in hand, proclaiming God's faithfulness. (I also remember Carlin speaking at Fair Havens Bible Conference in Ontario when I was a teenager....speaking on dating and relationships...the illustration of the toboggan run)
So we continue to pray, pray for you Marcia as you gradually say goodbye and let go of Carlin. We pray that he will be free of pain, and in some remarkable way will known the sure presence of our Heavenly Father and that you too, will be upheld by the prayers of many. Please know that Carlin and you are dearly loved. Thank you for being faithful.
With a deep love, and our prayers,
You have been on our hearts for quite sometime, and I was not sure how to send an email, until I spoke with Ray and Robyn and they directed me to your blog. I know Ron has written on behalf of us both, and Marcia I just finished reading your blog of today's date, April 16th and the hymn, " O that will be, glory for me, Glory for me, Glory for me, when by His grace I will look in His face, that will be glory, be glory for me" came to mind.
Oh what a wonderful glory awaits your dear Carlin, Marcia. On Good Friday 43 years ago our Heavenly Father called my dad home. It was a sudden home going as my dad was only 46 and I was 12....and yet my Dad was called to glory and I know without a shadow of a doubt that he looked into the face of Jesus, but oh the heartache of saying goodbye. I think of you Marcia, and your family as you say goodbye to a wonderful man.
And so, as I got ready for work the other morning, the tears streamed down by face as I thought of Carlin and you. I stopped, and bent my knees in prayer for you both and to thank God for the impact you have had in our lives, especially our ministry while we were at Willingdon. What a fabulous and rich ministry team experience. Thank you for being faithful to God's call and leading as the senior pastor and couple. Thank you for the care and love you showed toward Ron and me, as well as to Cody, Luke, Janaya and Mikayla. I will never forget being in labour with Cody, and it was quite a long delivery and I would not let Ron leave the delivery room to phone and give an update. Then, while in the delivery room, we received your phone call Carlin, asking how things were going. No other pastor-friend would do that. But Carlin and you cared. You both cared and loved Ron and us, dedicated our children, led a diaper drive, brought us the bran muffin mix, had us in your home and at your cottage. Thank you for impacting our lives. Thanks to Carlin for providing Ron the opportunity to preach at Willingdon, for providing him room to grow. Willingdon was truly the best ministry experience and when we do go back to Willingdon or met friends from that time period, our hearts are blessed.
I have so many wonderful memories of our times at Willingdon from Cedar Springs, to the family Christmas Eve services, to the church picnics, the Swanguard stadium gatherings, New Year's Eve celebrations, and many more. And yet, the resounding picture is Carlin and you together, side by side, hand in hand, proclaiming God's faithfulness. (I also remember Carlin speaking at Fair Havens Bible Conference in Ontario when I was a teenager....speaking on dating and relationships...the illustration of the toboggan run)
So we continue to pray, pray for you Marcia as you gradually say goodbye and let go of Carlin. We pray that he will be free of pain, and in some remarkable way will known the sure presence of our Heavenly Father and that you too, will be upheld by the prayers of many. Please know that Carlin and you are dearly loved. Thank you for being faithful.
With a deep love, and our prayers,
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