Pastor John, I take your word seriously about sticking to time. But
seeing as how no one actually told me what the time limit was, I deem
that obligation to be null and void.
Eugene Weinhauer was born on Halloween, October 31, 1939 to Frank and
Thelma Weinhauer in Wellsville, NY. He graduated from high school in
’57 and around that time he attended a conference and gave his life
to Christ with the commitment to go anywhere, at any time, at any
cost. He attended Buffalo Bible Institute for a year, and then went
on to Briercrest Bible Institute, where he graduated from the
pastor’s course. Around that time he met Marcia Watne during one of
the summers between college years, where she was teaching in rural
Montana. At that time she joined him in studying at Briercrest and
then they ultimately were married, August 11,1962.
the fall of that year, they travelled to South Carolina, where he
attended Columbia Bible College in Columbia, SC and received his
bachelor of arts in Biblical education. During those years of study,
they pastored the Mount Olivet Baptist Church, and he was ordained
for pastoral ministry there. Soon after, they were called back to
Montana to pastor three rural American Sunday school churches, and
then they moved on to Chicago to attend Trinity Evangelical Divinity
school. While there he received his master of arts in Christian
education. Also in Chicago, they pastored the Bethel Community
Evangelical Free Church. In 1969, Dad – just so you know he’s my
father-in-law, but we always call him dad, so I’m just going to do
that. In ’69, Dad was invited to teach at Briercrest. During
summers, the family did camping ministries around Saskatchewan, but
also travelled to Chicago to study and complete a master of arts
degree in pastoral theology. One of his profs challenged him to see
if he could get his PhD degree by the age of 40. Of course, challenge
him? It’s Dad. So he did it.
and Dad were at Briercrest for 15 years, where he taught Bible,
pastoral theology, and served in various administrative roles,
including vice president. He travelled a lot, raised funds, raised
students, did pulpit ministries, and conference engagements across
the Canada. While at Briercrest, in 1983, they travelled to Europe
for two and half months ministering with Word of Life missions. And
that was the first of many, many, many travels outside of North
America. God moved Mom and Dad once again to congregational ministry
to come here to Willingdon church in 1984, and they definitely served
with joy during their 20 years here. While serving here, they visited
a lot of countries. I don’t know what the last number was but it
was in the dozens. Asia, Africa, eastern Europe, Brazil, Jamaica,
etc. in many short term missions with a major long term project of
planting a church in Chechnya.
a young person, Dad spent time pouring over the pages of the National
Geographic Magazine, because he loved geography and travel. And God
fulfilled his heart's desire, as God tends to do, and he got many
opportunities to minister far and wide in many countries, including
teaching opportunities in China. Dad had a great love for the church,
he had a great desire to see young pastors preach through the Word,
verse by verse.
in 2004, he retired from pastoral ministry here at Willingdon and was
invited to join the elite team at MB Mission. It was a good call by
MB mission, by the way. And he served in mobilization and media.
Since then, Dad has led many teams of people to MB mission fields,
all over, predominately Thailand, and along with Brazil, Burkina
Faso, India, and he served that job with a lot of fun and a lot of
says here in the eulogy that he is survived by the love of his life,
Marcia. I don’t know exactly who wrote that, but whoever did it,
was the master of understatement. He loved her deeply; 51 years. He
is also survived by his three daughters, Cheri, Lynda, and Becky;
three sons-in-law, me, Allan, Brian; our kids, Jodie and her husband
Matt, Camden, Brenna, AJ, Joey, Trevor, Alex, and Stuart. He is also
survived by his sister, Carolyn, who lives in Lincoln, Nebraska.
I think about Dad I have the picture, a little bit right now, of a
building, and what I just gave you are the facts and the facts are
the bricks of the building. But I think some of us want to spend a
few minutes talking about the mortar that goes in between the bricks
of the building. And so there are… Let me put it this way, when I
was 23 or 24, I started dating his oldest daughter and I was a bit a
cocky kid, who knew a little bit too much, and I had absolutely no
idea the relationship I was about to embark on. No idea.

want to share with you a few of life’s lessons passed on from a
very wise man to a young man. What I learned from Dad: when faced
with an opportunity, ask yourself why shouldn’t I do it, rather
than why should I do it. I can recall – he was a tremendous problem
solver, and just any opportunity he jumped at. I can recall – I was
also on a Thailand trip, a different one, and a friend and I were
sitting at breakfast one morning. We were in rural Thailand, I
thought we were in Nowheresville. We were having breakfast and my
friend said to me. “You know what would be fun to do today? It
would be fun to go ride an elephant.” And I said, “yeah, that
would be fun, but it’s not in the itinerary. It’s not going to
happen.” At the time, I didn’t know this, but Dad was at the
next table and overheard him, and that afternoon we were riding
elephants. And to my knowledge, every Thailand trip they took from
then on, they rode elephants. That was Dad, he was like “oh, these
guys want to ride elephants. Bet you we can make that happen.” And
so he did. That was Dad.
I think about things I learned about relationships, I would ask about
things and how to handle things and he would say to me, “Son, I
just choose not to be offended.” What a learning moment for a
twenty-something to actually learn that you can choose not to be
offended. That wasn’t a part of my framework as a youngster. That
was an amazing gift to me, to be able to say you know, I just choose
not to be offended. That was Dad. I learned how you talk about your
spouse, both in public and semi-public. I don’t know if Mom knows
this, that there were a number of times when we would be together as
a family, let’s say, maybe somewhere, we’d all be gathered and
I’d be standing on the edge of room perhaps, just watching. And Dad
would sidle up to me, and just really quietly say, “You see that
woman over there? She’s something. She’s really something.” I
was thinking like, okay, that’s how it’s done. And you know, it
was just for me, just for my ears, but I learned that.
talked to me about raising children. He said, “If you want to do
something really meaningful for your kids, really lasting, love their
mom.” Wow. He taught me that when you’re really passionate about
something, it’s okay to cry. I don’t know how many times, if
you’ve attended this church, I don’t know how many times, you can
imagine him standing here, and he was preaching, and preaching and
preaching. And all of a sudden, he would take his glasses off, and he
would lean over here on the left side and his eyes would get wet, and
I learned as a young man, “OK, bud, pay attention, this is what
God’s saying right now.” That was his heart.
was a great leader. What I noticed in life is that very good men
understand the dynamics of leadership. Great men understand that
there are times to be a follower. He was a great leader, but he was a
really good follower, too. I distinctly remember one of my family’s
first, I think it was our first trip to Disneyland. We had three
little kids and we invited Mom and Dad to come along We wanted them
there. We wanted a little extra adult help. Brenna, our youngest, was
three. I had this niggling concern though, as the dad on this, that
dad was a leader that he would kind of drive the whole holiday on
this and decide where we were going and what we were doing. And I was
like “I don’t know, this is our holiday, you know.” You know
what? Every day, for seven days, every morning I’d say to Dad “This
is what I think we want to do today.” and he’d say, “Great!”
And he would just go with it.
the years, if you’ve known him well, he had a lot of short phrases,
tended to be called Carlin-isms. I’ve got a bunch. God is enough.
It’s just stuff. No education is wasted. Let’s keep the main
thing the main thing. When tithing or giving always round it up. With
regards to the church, every person a ministry. This is one of my
favourites, with regards to missions – I don’t know how many
times he’d lean over and out the side of his mouth say, “Just
write the cheque”. Randy, do I hear an Amen? Do not underestimate
the power of the Word of God. And my personal favourite, as a
believe, I need to be ready to preach, pray, or die at a moment’s
of those things you’d know about him. I just want to quickly share
a few things you might not know about him, things that make him a
little more human. He loved Coke mixed with eggnog. As Alex
mentioned, he loved ice cream, in particular maple walnut, and I
asked him a few years ago, if there’s one thing you could change,
what would you change? And he says, “I’d have eaten more ice
cream.” Some of the kids have mentioned that he was a car guy. He
had a ’67 mustang, back in the late ‘60s. Wow. He lived by the
principle that he always wanted his car clean and shiny. On any
given Sunday afternoon, you could find him watching NASCAR. He
enjoyed movies that had a lot of mayhem. The more car crashes and
craziness the better. He was a really good singer, he was fascinated
by new technologies as we mentioned. You know, he was a bit of a
weather nerd. You could hardly ever talk to him without him asking
how’s the weather, what’s going on here. Finally, he prayed a
lot. If you’re in this room, there’s a really good chance he
prayed for you many times. He had lists that he would just pray
through, well, him and Mom. Mom and Dad prayed through lists.
two more things and then I’m done. I’ve had someone explain to me
what Heaven’s like or what heaven must be like, and it was
explained to me this way: we don’t exactly know what Heaven’s
going to be like, but God’s promised that it’s going to be better
than whatever you think the best thing on earth is. And so I thought
about that for Dad, what would he think the best thing on earth is
for him? And I can honestly say, I think the best thing for him, the
thing that gave him the most joy, was watching his wife and his kids
and his grandkids laugh out loud at the dinner table. I don’t know
that anything gave him more joy than that. He loved his family. We’re
going to miss him terribly.
going to end with this. And I don’t know if Dad would be
comfortable with this, but I’m going to do it anyway. It’s only
because he wouldn’t see himself this way, but when I think of dad
now, I think of the relationship I had with him, I think of 2 Timothy
1:13-14. And the Apostle Paul is talking to his son in Christ,
Timothy, and I will not read this verses anymore without thinking
about Dad talking to me. They say, and this is Paul talking to
Timothy, but this is how I understand Dad talking to me now. “Follow
the pattern of the sound words you have heard from me, in the faith
and love that are in Christ Jesus. By the Holy Spirit who dwells
within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you.”
think he lived his life really well.
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